Writer & Editor

Hello and welcome to my website!
I am a New York State licensed psychotherapist, freelance writer and associate editor of Jmore, a Baltimore-based Jewish lifestyle magazine.
In my private practice, I treat clients coping with the long-term effects of child and adolescent bullying as well as many other emotional problems. For more information about psychotherapy, please reach out through my website.
My journalistic work has been published in various local and national publications including Huffington Post, USA Today, Inside Philanthropy, Pregnancy, Girls' Life, Westchester, Jmore, Baltimore magazine, Baltimore Style, and Baltimore Jewish Times.
Currently, I'm working on a book about recovering from childhood bullying and exclusion in middle and high school.

"Re-Setting the Lunchroom Table"
"My Family is Divided on Israel, Palestine"
"A Look Into Suicide and Mental Health in Westchester"
The Journey to Support Cancer Care in Westchester
"Guide for the Botanically Perplexed"
"Iconic Judy Collins to Perform at Gordon Center"
"Dr. Ruth Recalls Her Military Service"
"How Sleep Research Labs Can Cure Sleep Apnea"

The Bullying Project
One day in 2019 while I was procrastinating at work, I started thinking about a girl who had rejected me in 7th grade. The rejection still stung whenever I thought about it. I wondered if she remembered how she ended our friendship and if she had any regrets.
Suddenly, I had an idea. Why not interview my former classmates from middle and high school — not only the people who bullied me, but all of my female peers, including the bullies, the bullied and those who seemed to be neither — about their experiences with the social scene when we were growing up in our Westchester, New York town? It seemed like such a good idea that I brushed aside the discomfort I felt about contacting people who, in some cases, I hadn’t spoken to in 40 years!